
Deaf girls who benefited from mattresses distributed by the Wakiso District  Local Government  during the celebration to mark the international day of the disabled in December 2021


Senior Inspector of schools in Wakiso district handing over a certificate to one of the participants of a four days Uganda sign language training in April 2022.


Staff and board of trustees of deaf girls rescue shortly after developing a 5 year strategic plan.


Deaf girls and members of their house holds after the 3 days training in basic sign language communication training in April 2022


Deaf girls and members of their house holds learning mushroom growing 


Deaf girls and members of their households pose for a photo after training in basic sign language in 2020. This was the first group which was trained.


Service providers (health workers, teachers, police and members of the local council) pose for the photo with their certificates shortly after concluding a four days training in April 2022. From left to right is Ms  Sarah Nabatanzi representative of parents of deaf  girls. Rehema Namarome the Chief Executive Officer of Deaf Girls Rescue. Ms. Samali the inspector of schools in charge of special education and Mr Wamala the senior inspector of schools Wakiso District who was the chief guest during the closure of the training.


A team that was thought baking and preparing snacks for sale. This was composed by deaf girls and members of their house holds


Some of the Participants at the Deaf Girls Camp posing for a photo with facilitators


Participants of the Deaf Girls Camp 2023 at the Silent Cafe Learning how deaf people do business in a dominant hearing community


Sign Language Training for Deaf Girls and members of their Households in Namayumba Sub-county 2022


Self Defense Photo


Financial Literacy Training at the Deaf Girls Camp -May 2023


Ms. Bonnie Busingye -DGR Board of Trustees training Deaf children in Reproductive Health at the Sign Message Ministries-Buwanuka Village, Kakiri sub-county Wakiso